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In order to become well-rounded individuals, all college students should be required to take courses in which they read poetry, novels, mythology, and other types of imaginative literature.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.



这道题与education相关,是同学们都比较熟悉的话题,下手比较容易。分析话题时,一定要围绕中心话题(well-rounded/ imagination),这样才不会跑题。写作前,一定要定义well-rounded/imagination这两个词,实际上,这个过程应该在平时备考时完成,如,看到“imagination”迅速brainstorming到creativity,curiosity,abstract concept, difficult to replicate;定义 “well-rounded”非常难,因为全面性人才要包括很多能力,比如independent thinking, high IQ and EQ, teamwork, leadership, critical thinking, even basic survival ability…

小站教育写作老师建议:在写作时,同学们可以把写作重心放到imagination上,直接讨论“imagination”和“imaginative literature”对“well-rounded”(全面型人才)的重要性;或者集中讨论well-rounded,分析要成为全面型人才需要学习什么课程,比如,承认想象力确实很重要,但不一定要通过学习想象力文学课程的方式去培养想象力,很多学科钻研深入了也可以锻炼想象力(creativity, curiocity),比如物理学或数学就在寻找新的算法的过程中培养了creativity等。




The world of literature has a wealth of knowledge we can learn from and if we take the time to study and analyze what we read, we have access to some interesting points of views. This information can give us access to many different aspects, from first-hand accounts of history, their personal understanding of the world and even a different take on the philosophy and culture we live by and in. While it's important to remember that what we read is in the view point of someone else, this bias view can help us redefine or strengthen ourselves.


Imagination is an experimental partition of the mind used to create theories and ideas based on functions. Taking objects from real perceptions, the imagination uses complex IF-functions to create new or revised ideas. This part of the mind is vital to developing better and easier ways to accomplish old and new tasks. These experimented ideas can be safely conducted inside a virtual world and then, if the idea is probable, and the function is true, the idea can be actualized in reality. Imagination is the key to new development of the mind and can be shared with others, progressing collectively.


Imagination refers to the process of forming in the mind new images which have not been previously experienced, or at least only partially or in different combinations. Some typical examples are: fairy tale, fiction, and a form of verisimilitude often invoked in fantasy and science fiction invites readers to pretend such stories are true by referring to objects of the mind such as fictional books that do not exist apart from an imaginary world.





The following appeared in a memo from a vice president of a large, highly diversified company.

"Ten years ago our company had two new office buildings constructed as regional headquarters for two regions. The buildings were erected by different construction companies—Alpha and Zeta. Although the two buildings had identical floor plans, the building constructed by Zeta cost 30 percent more to build. However, that building's expenses for maintenance last year were only half those of Alpha's. In addition, the energy consumption of the Zeta building has been lower than that of the Alpha building every year since its construction. Given these data, plus the fact that Zeta has a stable workforce with little employee turnover, we recommend using Zeta rather than Alpha for our new building project, even though Alpha's bid promises lower construction costs."

Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation and the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation.


这个题描述的内容是:为了新的building project,一公司在选择construction company时,比较Zeta和Alpha两个公司各自的优缺点(10年前,不同的两个房屋),最终决定选择Zeta。这种题目成立的前提就是:



3.10年前(两个公司状态,建造的 building 等)与本公司new building project相同。



1.维护费低:that building's expenses for maintenance last year were only half those of Alpha's.

2.能源开销低:the energy consumption of the Zeta building has been lower than that of the Alpha building every year since its construction.

3. 员工流动率低:plus the fact that Zeta has a stable workforce with little employee turnover.

Zeta的缺点(以及Alpha 的优点):

1.Z成本高:the building constructed by Zeta cost 30 percent more to build.

2.A成本低:even though Alpha's bid promises lower construction costs.


1.有没有可能Zeta的优势根本不成立?比如,维护费这一项,有没有可能去年的维护费 Z 低是个特殊情况,而一般情况下都是A更低?

2.所有Zeta的优势(维护费,能源开销,员工率)真的是选择construction company最重要的要素吗?有没有可能这些要素根本不重要,construction cost这一项才是最重要的?比如,有可能即便Z有很多优势,但是construction cost 这一项的花费远远大于省下来的钱,而即便A在很多方面有劣势,但是construction cost很低,以至于整体算下来公司用A更有利。

3.有没有可能即便Zeta 10年前在以前那个项目有优势,但是在这个新的project中没有优势?

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