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推荐一些 GRE 写作的范文

2024年07月05日16:41 来源:小站整理
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摘要:以下为您推荐一些 GRE 写作的范文示例: Issue 范文

以下为您推荐一些 GRE 写作的范文示例:


Issue 范文


题目:"The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones."




Teaching is an art that demands a delicate balance of various strategies to effectively mold students' behavior and knowledge acquisition. The statement suggesting that the best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones oversimplifies the complex nature of the educational process.


Praising positive actions is undoubtedly a powerful tool. It boosts students' self-esteem and motivation, reinforcing the behaviors that are conducive to learning and personal growth. When students receive recognition for their efforts and achievements, they are more likely to repeat those actions, internalize the associated values, and strive for further improvement.


However, completely ignoring negative actions can have detrimental consequences. Ignoring misconduct or errors may send the message that such behavior is acceptable or insignificant, leading to its repetition and potential escalation. Moreover, it deprives students of the opportunity to learn from their mistakes and develop essential skills such as problem-solving and self-correction.


A more comprehensive approach to teaching involves both addressing negative actions and emphasizing the positive. When dealing with negative behavior, it should be done in a constructive and empathetic manner. Instead of simply criticizing or punishing, educators can use these instances as teachable moments to explain the implications of the actions, guide students towards better alternatives, and encourage them to reflect and grow.


In conclusion, while praising positive actions is an important aspect of teaching, it cannot replace the need to appropriately handle negative ones. A balanced combination of recognition and correction is essential for fostering a conducive learning environment and shaping well-rounded individuals.


Argument 范文


题目:The following appeared in a memo from the director of a large group of hospitals: "In a controlled laboratory study of liquid hand soaps, a concentrated solution of extra strength UltraClean hand soap produced a 40 percent greater reduction in harmful bacteria than did the liquid hand soaps currently used in our hospitals. During our recent test of regular-strength UltraClean with hospital workers, the hospital workers reported less skin dryness and irritation than with the hand soaps currently used. Therefore, to prevent serious patient infections, we should replace the hand soaps currently used in our hospitals with UltraClean."




The director of a large group of hospitals presents an argument advocating for the replacement of the current hand soaps in the hospitals with UltraClean based on the results of a laboratory study and a test with hospital workers. However, a closer examination reveals several flaws in this reasoning.


The laboratory study only compared the concentrated solution of extra strength UltraClean to the currently used liquid hand soaps. It is not clear if the regular-strength UltraClean, which is proposed for actual use, would yield the same superior results. The study's controlled environment might also not accurately replicate the real-world conditions of a hospital, where factors such as the frequency and manner of handwashing could significantly affect the soap's efficacy.


The test with hospital workers focused on their reports of skin dryness and irritation rather than the soap's ability to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria, which is the main concern for preventing serious patient infections. Less skin dryness and irritation do not necessarily translate to better antibacterial performance.


Furthermore, even if UltraClean does reduce harmful bacteria more effectively and causes less skin issues, there could be other factors to consider. Cost, availability, and compatibility with existing hospital hygiene protocols might play a role. Without addressing these aspects, the conclusion to switch to UltraClean is premature.


In conclusion, while UltraClean may show potential benefits, more comprehensive and relevant research is needed before making the decision to replace the current hand soaps in the hospitals. The director's argument as it stands is unconvincing and requires further substantiation.






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