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6月5日GRE考试短阅读精彩回顾 名师分析带你寻找解题思路

2016年06月01日18:26 来源:小站教育作者:小站GRE编辑
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6月5日GRE考试短阅读精彩回顾 名师分析带你寻找解题思路图1

A novel that is a bestseller is often, because of its popularity, not taken seriously as literature. Critics seem to presuppose that great literature must be somehow burdensome to the reader; it must be difficult for the uninitiated to understand. It is precisely this inverted snobbery that has hindered Isabel Allende’s The House of the Spirits from gaining the critical attention it deserves.

Published in 1982, the novel draws deeply on the author's own family history. Allende is the first cousin once removed of former Chilean president Salvador Allende, who was murdered during a right-wing military coup in 1973. Yet rather than the to-be-expected socialist harangue, Allende subtly works her political message within the fabric of the compelling narrative she weaves. While Allende borrows a bit too freely from Gabriel Garcia Marquez's work, she nevertheless has a powerful and original voice within the construct of magical realism.GRE阅读高正确率从哪里来?看过6月5日阅读预测机经才有把握

1. The author of the passage would probably consider which of the following situations to be most analogous to the critics’ viewpoint as it is described in the highlighted sentence?

A. Avant-garde movies with complicated storylines are deemed cinematically superior works to Hollywood blockbusters with straightforward narratives.

B. Scientific journals are thought of as providing coverage of natural events that is inferior to that provided by nature documentaries.

C. Poetry is considered superior literature to prose because it is shorter, and therefore the message it conveys is more easily understood.

D. Political diatribes are viewed as falling outside the accepted literary canon because they are too controversial.

E. A movie version of a popular novel is considered artistically superior to the original.

6月5日GRE考试短阅读精彩回顾 名师分析带你寻找解题思路图2



2. It can be inferred from the passage that

A. Allende’ novel is a retelling of her family's political struggles

B. Allende's novel would have received more favorable reviews if critics had believed it to be great literature

C. Allende learned about magical realism from Gabriel Garcia Marquez

D. Allende's novel could have been more compelling if she had included a stronger political message

E. readers might have expected Allende's work to be more political than it actually was


解析:题干问可以从文中推测什么,定位至原文第二段第一句话“Published in 1982…family history. Allende is the first…in 1973.”,这两句话是说小说用了很多自己家庭的故事,Allende的亲戚在政变中失去生命,所以选择A:Avant-garde movies…complicated storylines…superior…Hollywood…straightforward narratives.







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