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GRE课外阅读材料补充 你知道吗?岛屿可能会增强海啸势力

2016年06月02日10:14 来源:小站整理
参与(3) 阅读(6246)

Islands may amplify the biggest waves, not break them.SURFERS shun beaches shielded by islands off the coast.That, as generations of swarthy, golden-haired hulks will tell you, is because such islands create a natural breakwater.This dampens waves and makes for a boringly calm surf best left to sunbathers.The surfers’ reasoning is sound for the short-wave, wind-generated swells that they ride.


GRE课外阅读材料补充 你知道吗?岛屿可能会增强海啸势力图1

But Themistoklis Stefanakis, of the Ecole Normale Superieure in Cachan, France, warns it may not be true for the longer wavelengths of tsunamis.As he and his colleagues show in a paper posted on arXiv, an online repository, littoral islands may actually exacerbate, rather than diminish, the effects of these waves.Anecdotal evidence for this counterintuitive assertion comes from episodes where the same tsunami has battered different types of coastal topography.

但是,来自法国卡尚高等师范学校Themistoklis Stefanakis警告说,对于波浪较长的海啸来说,就不一样了。如Themistoklis Stefanakis跟他的同事在线数据库arXiv发表的文章中所描述的的那样:实际上沿海的岛屿可能会增强长波浪的强度,而不是减弱。这种违反直觉的判断的轶事证据来自很少见的现象—同一海啸会造成不同的海岸地貌。


In 2010, for instance, when one hit the Mentawai islands in Indonesia, areas of coastline directly behind islets bore the brunt of the damage, according to Costas Synolakis, a tsunami expert at the University of Southern California who is one of the study’s co-authors.Dr Synolakis, Mr Stefanakis and their colleagues decided to try to put numbers on their hunch.Rather than valiantly staking out seafront locales, though, they tested the idea with a computer model.

例如,2010年印度尼西亚明达威岛遭遇的海啸,明达威岛后的海岸区域的破坏的最为严重,南加州大学的海啸专家Costas Synolakis这样说道,他是这篇文章的作者之一。博士Synolakis Mr Stefanakis及他们的同事,决定验证这个设想。他们想到用电脑模拟的方法来实验,而不是在海岸实验。

GRE课外阅读材料补充 你知道吗?岛屿可能会增强海啸势力图2

This is harder than it sounds.Simulating the way waves behave as they make landfall means taking account of, literally, oceans of data.To simplify the problem, the researchers looked at what happens when a computerised wave encounters a cone-shaped island on a smoothly sloping seabed in front of a straight cyber-coastline with a beach that continues to rise smoothly as it progresses inland.


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These approximations allow a computer to cope with the problem, yet are sufficiently similar to many real places for the conclusions drawn from them to, as it were, hold water.The team made their virtual islet jut out of the ocean to an altitude of 100 metres, a typical height above sea level for such outcrops.They then looked at 200 combinations of gradients for the sides of the island, the seabed and the beach; the distance between the island and the beach; and the wavelength of the encroaching tsunami.


In none of these did an island offer any succour to the coastline behind it. Instead, it acted as a lens, focusing the wave’s destructive power and amplifying its size by between 5% and 70%.The upshot is that, far from shielding a coastline, offshore islands can make things worse—information that should be incorporated into tsunami evacuation plans.For if a big wave is coming, running from it is not enough. You also have to know how far to run before it is safe to stop.



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