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2016年04月08日11:25 来源:小站整理
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Not all towns are desperate to attract young people


Nationally, an ageing population is a problem. But locally it can be a boon. The over-50s control 80% of Britain's wealth, and like to spend it on houses and high-street shopping. The young “generation rent”, by contrast, is poor,distractible and liable to shop online.


People aged between 50 and 74 spend twice as much as the under-30s on cinema tickets.Between 2000 and 2010 restaurant spending by those aged 65-74 increased by 33%, while the under-30s spent 18% less. The pension pots liberated by George Osborne's budget earlier this year will likely pour into property. And while the young still struggle to find work, older people are retiring later. During the financial crisis full-time employment fell for every age group but the over-65s, and there has been a rash of older entrepreneurs. Pensioners also support the working population by volunteering: some 100 retirees in Christchurch help out as business mentors.



Even if they wanted to, most small towns and cities could not capture the cool kids. Mobile young professionals cluster, and greatly prefer to cluster in London. Even supposed meccas like Man chester are ageing: clubs in that city are becoming members-only, and there are an increasing number of places, as one resident puts it, that “a 19-year-old wouldn't be seen dead in”. Towns that aim too young, like Bracknell and Chippenham, can find their high streets full of closed La Senzas (a lingerie chain) and struggling tattoo parlours. Outside Britain's capital, high concentrations of youth are commonly tied to high unemployment rates.

即使很多小城镇希望吸引年轻人,它们也做不到。流动的年轻人喜欢扎堆,尤其是喜欢聚集在伦敦。即使是像曼彻斯特这样所谓的麦加圣地也在逐渐老龄化:城市里的俱乐部正转向会员制,正如一个当地居民所说,越来越多的地方“看不到一个十九岁的少年在其中醉生梦死”。像布拉科内尔和切本哈姆这样定位于年龄过小的年轻人的城市,很容易发现自己的商业区满是倒闭的La Senzas(一内衣连锁店)和艰难经营的纹身室。在英国首都之外,年轻人的聚集通常都与高失业率捆绑在一起。



Companies often lag behind local authorities in working this out. They are London-obsessed,and have been slow to appreciate the growing economic heft of the old—who are assumed,often wrongly, to stick with products they learned to love in their youth. But Caroyln Free man of Revelation Marketing reckons Britain could be on the verge of a marketing surge directed at the grey pound, “similar to what we saw with the pink”. The window will not remain open forever: soon the baby boomers will start to ail, and no one else alive today is likely to have such a rich retirement.

公司总是要比地方机构晚一步发现这个问题。他们痴迷于伦敦,并在欣赏日益增长的老年人不断提升的经济地位方面显得很迟钝——老年人通常被错误认为只会购买年轻时就认定了的产品。但来自Revelation Marketing(启示营销)的卡罗琳·弗里曼推测英国可能处于瞄准老年人钱包的营销边缘,“与我们从婴儿身上看到的潜力相似”。这么一个机会不会永远处于空窗期:很快婴儿潮世代的人年岁将会增长,而今天也再没有其他人会拥有这么好的退休待遇。

Meanwhile, with the over-50s holding the purse strings, the towns that draw them are likely togrow more and more pleasant. The lord mayor of Manchester, Sue Cooley, notes that decentrestaurants and nice shops spring up in the favoured haunts of the old, just as they do in thetrendy, revamped boroughs of London. Latimer House, a Christ church furniture store full ofretro clothing and 1940s music, would not look out of place in Hackney. Improved high streetsthen entice customers of all ages.


Indeed, gentrification and gerontification can look remarkably similar. Old folk and younghipsters are similarly fond of vinyl and typewriters, and wander about in outsized spectacles.Some people never lose their edge.






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