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2015年02月17日11:19 来源:小站整理
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新GRE写作社会类话题总览:Social Problems Overview

本期内容为社会类常见出题范围的总览的第一部分,建议大家都了解一下新GRE关于社会类题目主要会出哪些方面的问题,如果是自己不太熟悉的内容可以借此了解一下,比如知道ozone hole, global warming, 以及一些social problem所包括的内容。没有给出相关issue题目是因为本次内容涉及题目较广,科学,社会等都可以用到,请大家灵活运用!

新GRE写作社会类话题: Problems of Population, Immigration, and Urbanization
Population problems are defined by the numbers and distributions of people within a physical area and by the movements of people within and between areas. For example, overpopulation of an area can contribute to food shortages, and migrations between areas can lead to inter-group conflicts. Demographers relate population statistics to sociological variables such as age, gender race and ethnicity, and socioeconomic status, and sociologists use this information to study the effects of population problems and policies. In the U.S. problems include, for example, the decline of cities, segregated neighborhoods, homelessness, and illegal immigration.
新GRE写作社会类话题: Problems of Social Change: Media and Technology
Technological change associated with industrialization and modernization has created vast challenges as well as benefits. Changes that began with mechanization and automation have led to stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, genetic engineering and biotechnology, robotics, and the globalization of electronic telecommunications. These developments continue to change the world in which we live. Social problems of technological change range from unemployment and the loss of personal privacy and control, from ethical dilemmas to social inequality, and from cultural lag to cultural colonialism. What new social transformation awaits even a postmodern world?
新GRE写作社会类话题: Global Warming

Global warming refers to an average increase in the Earth's temperature, which in turn causes changes in climate. A warmer Earth may lead to changes in rainfall patterns, a rise in sea level, and a wide range of impacts on plants, wildlife, and humans. When scientists talk about the issue of climate change, their concern is about global warming caused by human activities.


新GRE写作社会类话题: Potential Effects of Global Warming
This global warming trend can cause a significant global climate changes. Human society is highly dependent on the Earth's climate. Climate patterns and human adaptations determine the availability of food, fresh water, and other resources for sustaining life. The social and economic characteriatics of society have also been shaped largely by adapting to the seasonal and year-to-year patterns of temperture and rainfall. Some potential effects associated with climate change are listed in the following. (from U.S. Climate Action Report)
新GRE写作社会类话题: Water Resources
The quality and quantity of drinking water, water availability for irrigation, industrial use, and electricity generation, and the health of fisheries may be significantly affected by changes in precipitation and increased evaporation. Increased rainfall may cause more frequent flooding. Climate change would likely add stress to major river basins worldwide.
新GRE写作社会类话题: Coastal Resources
A estimated 50 cm rise in sea level by the year 2100, could inundate more than 5,000 square miles of dry land and an additional 4000 square miles of wetlands in the U.S.
新GRE写作社会类话题: Health
Heat-stress mortality could increase due to higher temperatures over longer periods. Changing patterns of precipitation and temperature may produce new breeding sites for pests, shifting the range of infectious diseases.
新GRE写作社会类话题: Agriculture
Impacts of Climate change in developing countries could be significant.





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