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  8. (2014/1/11) Ostensibly founded upon a rich historical and comparative tradition, much sociology is too narrow in analytic scope, self‐referential, and even parochial to contribute to grander debates about human social behavior. The edges of the social universe, for many scholars, are defined by national borders and, in recent years, by identity politics that examine key issues in terms of group memberships and human rights. In an era of increasing globalization, however, the field has a historically distinct opportunity to transcend the parochial nature of much 20th century sociology.

  考察词汇:narrow in scope/ parochialism

  9. (2014/5/10,三空)The audacious New Museum building augurs well for that ambitious institution because it speaks of a discernment about contemporary architecture that may promise equal astuteness about contemporary art.

  考察词汇: outstanding / a discernment about/ promise

  10. (2014/1/11,单空题) While best known for their much‐ballyhooed drollness, The Vicious Circle's impact reached far beyond heavy boozing and memorable zingers.


  11. (2014/1/11,六选二) Coagulation factors are proteins that guide the thinning and clotting of blood. Their simple names—many are known only by Roman numerals—belie their importance and the specificity of their roles.

  考察词汇: belie/ mask

  12. (2014/1/11, 六选二)Although field studies have linked inbreeding to declines among song sparrows and adders, some researchers argue that, in nature, inbreeding proves trivial compared to crushing blows from weather changes, the demographics of a population, and especially human encroachment.

  考察词汇:trivial/ inconsequential

  13. (2014/01/19) Each of their caves has an owner and a name, and ownership is passed down from father to son. Mark and John own Ulapunguna cave. Some caves have legends, which are strictly proprietary: Only the cave owner can share its secrets


  14. (2014/01/19) In Japanese aesthetics, especially but not only in Noh, beauty contains the idea of decay. Beauty must have an air of evanescence, the intimation of its own demise.

  考察词汇:decay/ deterioration

  15. (2014/01/19) The fact that one can adduce myriad examples of ecosystem disruption by nonindigenous species does not really demonstrate that all such newcomers are destined to have such impacts. Indeed, most of the introduced species that survive appear to have minimal effects on the ecosystems they have invaded (although quantitative, comprehensive study of impacts is usually lacking).

  考察词汇:minimal/ trivial

  16. (2014/01/19) He has learned that advanced tortoises evolved multiple times: the high‐domed shells and columnar, elephantine feet of current forms are specializations for terrestrial life that evolved independently on each continent.


  17. (2014/01/19) Hacking and hackers have become such generic terms that their meaning, now, must almost always be derived from the context. Still, in the last few years, after the British phone‐hacking scandal, after Anonymous and LulzSec, after Stuxnet, in which Americans and Israelis used a computer virus to break centrifuges and delay the Iranian nuclear project, after any number of identity thefts, that context has tended to accent the destructive side of hacking.

  考察词汇: generic/ inclusive

  18. (2014/02/23) Even the cleverest use of time‐management techniques is powerless to augment the sum of minutes in our life (some 52 million, optimistically assuming a life expectancy of 100 years), so we squeeze as much as we can into each one

  考察词汇:augment/ extent

  19. (2014/02/23) Culinary mythology: Marco Polo's supposed introduction of pasta from China to the Western world. This durable myth, which requires that nothing should have been known of pasta in Italy until 1295, when Marco Polo returned from the Far East, can easily be shown to be wrong by citing references in Italy to pasta of an earlier date.

  考察词汇: debunk/ debunk/ predated that event

  20. (2014/02/23) American women would not gain the vote until 1920, but throughout the remainder of the 19th century many feminist goals were gradually realized, especially the rights of married women to control their own property (New York State, 1848 and 1860; South Carolina, 1868; and so on).

  考察词汇:realized/ achieved

  21. (2014/06/07) Recent scholarship has questioned the naturalness of tropical forests around the world archaeologists have shown, for example, that the largest contiguous tract of what was thought to be virgin rain forest in the southern Amazon had been transformed into a cultural parkland before European contact, and many of the forest islands in West Africa’s savanna forest transition zone are anthropogenic as well

  考察词汇:naturalness/ anthropogenic

  22. (2014/06/07) Although scientific advances have led to constant reevaluation and revision of numerous concepts, principles, and mechanisms of disease etiologies, the one observation that has remained firm is that virtually all human diseases can be caused, modified or altered by environmental agents of physical, chemical, or biological origin.

  考察词汇:robust/ strong

  23. Fifty pages of footnotes, some of them presenting quite lengthy bibliographies, suggest that very few pertinent sources have eluded Thompson’s search. Moreover, the text makes it clear that his examination of these sources has been exhaustive.

  考察词汇:eluded/ moreover/ exhaustive

  24. For despite the occasional opulence of their venues, the culture of corporate conferences is a deeply ascetic one. t the Hyatt, the proceedings began each morning well before nine and stretched to five-thirty or six, nearly nine hours of continuous lectures and panels enlivened by few pleasantries or anything that could be construed as a joke. Other than that, the only respite from sensory deprivation was the handsome color slides favored by the corporate presenters.

  考察词汇:opulent/ ascetic/ respite from

  25. For many years, Americans have had a love affair with ferryboats. Ferries not only relieve our frayed nerves after we've stewed in bumper‐to‐bumper traffic, but conventional wisdom says ferries also reduce congestion and air pollution by getting us out of our gas‐guzzling cars. Unfortunately, this romantic but unfounded notion recently has captivated several high‐powered West Coast mayors. Joined by members of the San Francisco Bay Area Water Transit Task Force, they managed to push a proposal for the world's largest ferry service through the California Legislature with wake‐jumping alacrity.

  考察词汇:reduce/ unfounded/ captivated

  26. Already the characteristically modern relationship, it has in recent decades become the universal one: the form of connection in terms of which all others are understood, against which they are all measured, into which they have all dissolved.


  27. (2014/07/05) The major failing of much popular history is that it betrays no interest in making intellectual contributions to our understanding of an issue.

  考察词汇:shortcoming/ fault

  28. (2014/05/10) The cowbird can seem a rather comical creature with a slow, awkward walk and often upraised tail. Less amusing is the cowbirds‘ habit of laying their eggs in the nests of other birds. Most birds need 20 minutes to an hour to lay an egg, but the female cowbird takes less than a minute; she leaves her egg in secret while the nest’s rightful owner is away. The unwitting nesters will usually accept the cowbird egg and raise the baby cowbird as their own. Unfortunately, cowbird eggs hatch sooner than the eggs of other species and the young cowbirds grow quickly, using their size to their advantage in getting more food from the parents. This cowbird parasitism is actually endangering a number of species of birds.

  考察词汇:amusing/ unwitting/ grow quickly

  29. (2014/05/10) Consolidating a memory is not instantaneous, after all, or even inevitable. Every memory must be encoded and moved from short‐term to long‐term storage. Some of those memories are, for whatever reason, more vividly imprinted than others.


  30. (2014/01/19) It is a paradox of the Victorians that they were both insular and, through their empire, cosmopolitan.




