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2015年01月25日17:18 来源:小站整理
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16.Parallelogram OPQR lies in the xy-plane, as shown in the figure above. The coordinates of point P are (2, 4) and the coordinates of point Q are (8, 6). What are the coordinates of point R ?

A (3, 2)

B (3, 3)

C (4, 4)

D (5, 2)

E (6, 2)


17.Let S be the set of all positive integers n such that n2 is a multiple of both 24 and 108. Which of the following integers are divisors of every integer n in S ?

Indicate all such integers.

A 12

B 24

C 36

D 72

18.The range of the heights of the female students in a certain class is 13.2 inches, and the range of the heights of the male students in the class is 15.4inches.

Which of the following statements individually provide(s) sufficient additional information to determine the range of the heights of all the students in the class?

Indicate all such statements.

A The tallest male student in the class is 5.8 inches taller than the tallest female student in the class.

B The median height of the male students in the class is 1.1 inches greater than the median height of the female students in the class.

C The average (arithmetic mean) height of the male students in the class is 4.6 inches greater than the average height of the female students in the class.


19.A random variable Y is normally distributed with a mean of 200 and a standard deviation of 10.

Quantity A                            Quantity B The probability of the event               1/6

that the value of Y is greater than 220

20.In a graduating class of 236 students, 142 took algebra and 121 took chemistry. What is the greatest possible number of students that could have taken both algebra and chemistry?__________students

21.The total amount that Mary paid for a book was equal to the price of the book plus a sales tax that was 4 percent of the price of the book. Mary paid for the book with a $10 bill and received the correct change, which was less than $3.00. Which of the following statements must be true?

Indicate all such statements.

A The price of the book was less than $9.50.

B The price of the book was greater than $6.90. C The sales tax was less than $0.45.





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