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GRE双语趣味阅读 德国人缺乏幽默感需专门培训

2017年01月13日09:44 来源:互联网
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GRE双语趣味阅读 德国人缺乏幽默感需专门培训图1

German humour——Get thee to an Institute


Germans concede that in humour they need professional help



EVA ULLMANN took her master's degree in 2002 on the part that humour has to play in psychotherapy, and became hooked on the subject. In 2005 she founded the German Institute for Humour in Leipzig. It is dedicated to “the combination of seriousness and humour”. She offers lectures, seminars and personal coaching to managers, from small firms to such corporate giants as Deutsche Bank and Telekom. Her latest project is to help train medical students and doctors.


There is nothing peculiarly German about humour training. It was John Morreall, an American, who showed that humour is a market segment in the ever-expanding American genre of self-help. In the past two decades, humour has gone global. An International Humour Congress was held in Amsterdam in 2000. And yet Germans know that the rest of the world considers them to be at a particular disadvantage.


The issue is not comedy, of which Germany has plenty. The late Vicco von Bülow, alias Loriot, delighted the elite with his mockery of German pretension and stiffness. Rhenish, Swabian and other regional flavors thrive—Gerhard Polt, a Bavarian curmudgeon, now 72, is a Shakespeare among them. There is lowbrow talent too, including Otto Waalkes, a Frisian buffoon. Most of this, however, is as foreigners always suspected: more embarrassing than funny.

这个议题并非是个喜剧,德国的此类例子很丰富。已故的 Vicco von Bülow, 别名Loriot,曾就以讽刺德国人的自负和固执娱乐精英。莱茵河人,斯瓦比亚人和其他地区的精英们层出不穷——Gerhard Polt是个巴伐利亚人,脾气很怪,现年72岁,就是其中的一个莎士比亚。也有一些比较肤浅的人物,比如弗里斯兰小丑Otto Waalkes。然而大多数情况下,外国人的怀疑:往往是尴尬大于有趣。

GRE双语趣味阅读 德国人缺乏幽默感需专门培训图2

Germans can often be observed laughing, uproariously. And they try hard. “They cannot produce good humour, but they can consume it,” says James Parsons, an Englishman teaching business English in Leipzig. He once rented a theatre and got students, including Mrs. Ullmann, to act out Monty Python skits, which they did with enthusiasm. The trouble, he says, is that whereas the English wait deadpan for the penny to drop, Germans invariably explain their punch line.

人们常常可以看到德国人大笑。他们真的在很努力地发出笑声。在莱比锡大学教授商务的英国人詹姆斯·帕森斯说,“他们没法变的幽默,但他们可以表现得很幽默。”他曾经租了一个歌剧厅,邀请了一些学生,包括乌尔曼一起表演Monty Python短剧。他们表演得很有热情。但是,问题是,英国人会面无表情地等硬币落下来而德国人则认为很有笑点。

At a deeper level, the problem has nothing do with jokes. What is missing is the trifecta of irony, overstatement and understatement in workaday conversations. Expats in Germany share soul-crushing stories of attempting a non-literal turn of phrase, to evoke a horrified expression in their German interlocutors and a detailed explanation of the literal meaning, followed by a retreat into awkward politeness.


Irony is not on the curriculum in Mrs. Ullmann's classes. Instead she focuses mostly on the basics of humorous spontaneity and surprise. Demand is strong, she says. It is a typical German answer to a shortcoming: work harder at it.







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